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lunes, 30 de abril de 2012
sábado, 28 de abril de 2012
Frank Iero & Zacky Vengeance
y hablamos de
Frank Iero,
Zacky Vengeance
Frank Iero & Fletcher Dragger
y hablamos de
Fletcher Dragger,
Frank Iero,
domingo, 22 de abril de 2012
AmpRockTv presents “The Words”: My Chemical Romance’s “The Kids From Yesterday”
y hablamos de
AmpRock Tv,
my chemical romance,
the kids from yesterday,
The Words
Frank y James
y hablamos de
Frank Iero,
james dewees,
Yo Gabba Gabba
sábado, 21 de abril de 2012
NA NA NA es parte del Soundtrack de American Pie
y hablamos de
American Pie,
Na Na Na,
jueves, 19 de abril de 2012
Mikey y Gerard Way en el Showroom de Fender
Mikey and Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance stopped by the Fender Artist Showroom this week to check out some guitars.
According to, MCR is planning their fifth album, a follow-up to 2010′s Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.
“Back in L.A. we just got a studio so we’re kind of building that out and basically trying to make a compound where we can be creative and be there whenever we want to be,” MCR guitarist Ray Toro told the website. “That’s the tough thing doing records in a cycle and you have three or four months where you have to write and record a record and sometimes that’s tough. You can take longer, but you always feel like there’s something over your head like a time constraint and now we’ll have our own place where we can go and make music 24 hours a day. It’s gonna be great!”
Earlier this year, Squier released the Mikey Way signature model Mustang Bass, which can be found here.
Créditos: Fender
y hablamos de
Gerard Way,
Mikey Way,
my chemical romance
Actualización del Cómic KILLJOY
In the question-and-answer session, Allie had an update on the Gerard Way comic "Killjoys," edited by Sierra Hahn, which was announced at Comic-Con International: San Diego in 2009 and was originally scheduled for 2010. "My Chemical Romance, the band that Gerard is in, started working on their next album and their next album turned into a Killjoys album," he said. "So the band got focused on doing a Killjoys record and the comic would have a certain relationship to that. The comic is not in any way an adaptation of the record; there is actually an interesting gulf between what the record is and what the comic is. Becky Cloonan, who did some art for the CD, is the artist for the comic and work is under way on it finally, but the story that it originally was has changed so much that frankly I don't know where the story is any more."
Stay tuned to CBR News for more coverage of C2E2 2012 and Dark Horse announcements.
y hablamos de
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys,
lunes, 16 de abril de 2012
Gerard y Bandit Lee Way
y hablamos de
Bandit Lee Way,
Gerard Way,
nueva foto
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
[Trailer] The Umbrella Academy
No sé ustedes, pero me eh emocionado demasiado! :)
P.D: NO ES UNA PELICULA! es un trailer que hacen para comics, novelas, libros, esas cosas, venga no confundirse!
y hablamos de
gabriel ba,
Gerard Way,
the umbrella academy,
Foto Antigua de Frank :)
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I met this guy 4 years ago, outside a Reggie And The Full Effect show. I had no idea who he was, but everybody else seemed to. Apparently he’s in some band or something? Idk.. Fuente: Brian the Mute |
y hablamos de
Frank Iero,
nueva foto,
Reggie and the full effect
lunes, 9 de abril de 2012
¡Feliz Cumpleaños Gerard Way!
sábado, 7 de abril de 2012
Foto por Justin Borucki: Mikey, Gerard y Donna Way
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My Chemical Romance |
y hablamos de
Donna Way,
Gerard Way,
Justin Borucki,
Mikey Way,
nueva foto
My Chemical Romance visita a Norman's Rare Guitars!
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Creditos: Norman's Rare Guitars |
y hablamos de
Gerard Way,
Mikey Way,
my chemical romance,
Norman's Rare Guitars,
nueva foto,
Ray Toro
viernes, 6 de abril de 2012
Miles Iero Nestor
Miles es el nombre del nuevo bebé de Frankie, aquí les dejo el último tweet que hizo hace unos minutos.
Miles es el nombre del nuevo bebé de Frankie, aquí les dejo el último tweet que hizo hace unos minutos.
y hablamos de
Frank Iero,
jamia iero,
Miles Iero,
¡Frank Iero es padre por 3era vez!
y hablamos de
Frank Iero,
nuevo bebe,
Primeros tweet de Frank en el día
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Anuncía su presentación en TV sin mucha importancia, entonces asumimos que NO ES SOBRE EL CONTEO. Vale entonces ¿Que es? Seguiremos informando ansiosamente xD |
jueves, 5 de abril de 2012
Frank Iero en Hoppus
Ultimos tweets de Frank
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¿Algún comentario? |
Hace unos meses, Frank lució una camiseta que decía Dad#3 pensamos que era una broma, pero sdkfjsdlfkdsf bueno aquí les dejo la noticia:
martes, 3 de abril de 2012
lunes, 2 de abril de 2012
Frank Iero: Nueva foto en twitter
Frank Iero y Zacky Vengeance [Truthies and Falsies]
Frank y Zacky
Fuente: Fuse
Fuente: Fuse
y hablamos de
Frank Iero,
Truthies and Falsies,
Zacky Vengeance
domingo, 1 de abril de 2012
Matt Pelissier está enojado
Edito la nota: Parece que alguien estuvo jugando con las fotos y montó la cabeza de Gerard en el cuerpo del amigo de Matt. Aquí les dejo la foto original de la cara de Gerard y la respuesta que dió Matt al mostrarte la foto.
Aquí les dejo el twitter de Matt Pelissier por si desean seguirlo:!/MattRevenir
Aquí les dejo el twitter de Matt Pelissier por si desean seguirlo:!/MattRevenir
y hablamos de
Gerard Way,
Matt Pelissier,
Mikey Way,
my chemical romance
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